Hiring managers looking at resume.

How To Write A Compelling And Strong Resume That Gets You Hired.

Are you struggling to land a job? Not sure if you’re qualified enough in to stand out in a sea of hundreds of applicants.

What are your chances of even getting hired, when there are far better individuals who are struggling the same?

Well, it might not be as much about whether you’re the most experienced or impressive individual, but how you showcase yourself.

Crafting a compelling resume is not as difficult as you might think.

Hiring Managers looking at a Resume.

In this article, we’ll see how to craft a compelling resume that will help you stand out and ultimately land your dream job.

How To Write A Perfect Resume:

1) Formatting:

Before even considering writing, there’s something crucial to keep in mind. Which often many jobseekers neglect or even are aware of. It’s FORMATTING.

There are 3 forms of resume which serves different purpose, and for different individuals based on their experience, objectives and job position.

There are three formats are Chronological, Functional, and Combination.

How To Format Your Resume, And What Are These 3 Forms Of Resume?


It’s an ideal format if you have a rich and strong professional history. You have no employment gaps and your overall career is consistent.

If you’re applying for a senior position and have a strong working experience, consider using this format of resume.

Depending on your experience, if needed, you can extend your Chronological resume up to 2 pages.

Here’s what a standard Chronological format looks like:


If you have gaps in your employment history, or are a recent graduate with no working experience, this version may be the best choice for you.

Functional Resume is also a great choice if you’re changing careers. Functional resume emphasis on skills and your ability to get work done over your working experience.

Here’s what it looks like:


Consider using a combination format, if you’re in an early stage of your career with limited working experience.

Or, depending on a job position, if they are looking for individuals with a specific skill, a combination resume is a good option to consider.

Here what a Combination version looks like:

2) Personalization:

Personalize your resume based on the job position you’re applying for. Each Job requirement and qualifications may differ.

So, consider putting a few minutes to build a personalized resume based on the Job you’re applying for.

Although, it might be too much of a hassle to every time write a new resume. Instead, consider personalizing your resume for the jobs that you’re most interested in.

Put extra effort in tailoring it, as it’ll increase your chances of getting noticed and potentially shortlisted for the next step of the application/job interview.

How To Personalize Your Resume?

Read the job description, do proper company research and come up with an idea of what their main needs are.

And mention those skills, experience and other qualities that best fit them and help you stand out.

Furthermore, use keywords based on the job description, as it’ll help you get accepted in an ATS scan.

3) Contact Information:

Your first writing step is to start with your contact information on top. To help your hiring manager find it easily, in a case, you get selected as a potential candidate.

What To Include In Your Contact Information?

  • Your full legal name.
  • Email address.
  • Phone number.
  • City/County.
  • Zip code.
  • Social Media.
  • If appliable, Portfolio link.

4) Summary:

Next, write a summary of your working experience to give some context of your skills, experience and accomplishments, to help them understand your value as a potential candidate.

If you’re new, or don’t have enough experience to talk about it. You can also mention your objectives.

What you’re aiming for. Your goals in the industry and aspirations. Depending on the manager, but mainly it shows your interest in mutual goals, openness to learn and adapt.

5) Skills and Expertise:

Mention both hard and soft skills, as both skills have their own importance in helping you get the job.

Include technical skills (Hard skills) which are the main skills you’ll mention. At the same time, also mention soft skills (Interpersonal skills) that are relevant to the job position.

This will help you showcase both, be a skillful candidate, and your ability to work effectively.

Come up with 4–5 most relevant skills required for the job after doing some research. Then include them in your resume.

Like this:

6) Professional history:

This is one of the most important part of your resume, especially if you have working experience. Switch working experience and skill based on the format you’re using.

For Chronological format, include working experience before skills, meanwhile for the other two, you can mention your experience after skills.

When writing in chronological format, mention your working experience from down way up, from earliest to most recent.

Along with your working experience, mention the company/organization name, duration of your employment, and your job title. Keep your working experience brief, with max 4–5 bullet points.

What If You Have A Limited Working Experience?

In a case you have limited or no job experience, focus on your skills, what you’re capable of.

If you’re a fresh graduate or still a student. Emphasize on the responsibilities you performed as a student. Such as excellent Time Management skills, that time you managed a group project, or anything in between.

You can download a complete guide of how to build an effective resume here.

Relevant Read: Here’s how to effectively showcase your experience.

7) Education:

Have a dedicated section on your education. Talk about your education. If you’ve completed a degree, mention it, and if you’re still a student, mention the degree with the date you’re expected to graduate.

In a case you don’t have a degree, mention the highest level of education you’ve completed. And if you’ve dropped out or anything related to it, name the degree and subjects you were studying.

If you’ve graduated long ago, there’s no need to include the date, just mentioning the degree, and the institution is enough.

8) Optional Section:

If you want to stand out in a job application, this section can be a great opportunity to leverage any certificates you’ve obtained, considerable accomplishments you’ve achieved.

Such as nomination, endorsement of a significant person, or other accomplishments. You can also include any voluntary work you’ve done or a publication that you published.

9) Proofread:

After completing your resume, always double check everything, including proofreading, and making sure there’s no grammar mistake.

80% of recruiters see typos as a red flag. So read your it out loud to make sure it’s error free, and if possible, ask someone to read it for you and spot any hidden mistake.

10) Hire a professional Resume Builder:

If you find this whole process of writing a resume overwhelming, consider hiring a resume builder, as they can help you write the best and most effective resume that leave a lasting impact on recruiters.

And FIND Services offers just that, to help you stand out and get accepted by the ATS system. That recruiters use to weed out irrelevant applicants.

But with an effective approach to crafting, formatting and structuring your resume.

You can have a resume that is compelling and effectively highlight your value to get noticed in the pool of thousands of applicants.

Find Service Resume builder.


In conclusion, effective resume require you to strategically format, structure and craft your resume that highlight your skills, experience and expertise and get you noticed.

Using practices like personalization and proper research, you can craft a powerful resume that gets you hired in no time.

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