Follow Up after Remote Job Interview.

5 Best Practices For an Effective Post Interview Follow Up & Improve Your Chances Of Getting Hired.

You’ve optimized your resume and built a compelling cover letter, and got shortlisted for an interview.

After preparing for a remote interview as best as you could and giving your best during your online interview, now you’re confused as to what to do next.

In this article, we’ll talk about follow up after your remote job interview and the impact of leveraging your skills to increase the chances of being shortlisted and build a positive impression on your hiring manager.

What to do After a Remote Job Interview?

The time after your online interview is really important, as it can improve your chances if used correctly.

First, you should send a Thank-you email. Showcasing your appreciation for their time and eagerness to work for their company.

It gives an impression that you’re a professional and really interested in the position, it keeps you memorable and also improves your chances as a potential candidate.

According to Topresume, 68% of hiring managers expect a THANK YOU note from the interviewed candidates.

Their chances of being hired depends on this little note, but surprisingly, over 95% of interviewed candidates skip the follow-up.

Now you see why it’s important to follow up. What else to consider when following up?

  • Make sure to proofread before sending your email.
  • Keep it personalized.
  • Send a “Thank You” email.
  • Make it short and concise.

Relevant Read: How To Prepare for A Remote Job Interview.

5 Best Practices After a Remote Job Interview.

1) Ask for the next step.

At the end of your interview, usually around when they ask you if you have any question, ask the hiring manager about the next steps.

What is their company’s hiring process or the next steps? It will help you understand the hiring process and prepare accordingly.

Here’s are some ways you can ask this question:

  • Can you please outline the next steps of the hiring process?
  • What should I expect in terms of follow up after this interview?
  • If I advance to the next stage, is there anything specific I should prepare for?
  • Could you please share the next step after this interview?

2) Offer additional samples.

As you follow up, state it clearly if they need any additional samples when decision-making.

Make sure these samples are personalized to align with the company’s goals and the position they’re hiring for.

Including a few relevant samples with your follow-up can help them make their decision efficiently.

Relevant Read: 8 Soft Skills Hiring Manager Look For in a Potential Job Candidate.

3) Assess your interview.

After your remote job interview, it’s a good idea to sit down and review your whole interview.

See where you made a mistake and where you perfectly highlight your skills, furthermore assess the questions they asked you, and you didn’t give the answer you wanted to.

Find gaps and work on them by building new skills or preparing better for next time.

4) Have patience.

After a remote job interview, you don’t want to look like a desperate person, the last thing you need to do is excessively communicate.

During follow-ups, keep your message brief and concise, as overcommunication tends to showcase your desperation of getting that job.

Therefore, practice the art of patience.

After learning about the whole hiring process, wait for the given timeline, and don’t disturb them until the given date.

They’re probably busy interviewing other candidates.

It’s wise to wait and if not hear anything from them within that time frame, send them a personalized follow-up.

5) Do proper follow-ups.

There should be only three follow-ups after a remote job interview.

1) Thank you, follow up.

As mentioned before, hiring managers expect you to follow up with a “Thank You” note, as their decision-making will rely on it.

So build a short and personalized THANK YOU note for the participants in the interview and showcase your appreciation for their time and the opportunity.

2) Reminder follow up.

This follow up usually is sent after the given timeline, you didn’t hear back from the hiring manager. In a case, there was no given timeline.

Wait at least 2 weeks before a proper follow up.

3) Last follow up.

Even after your follow-up you didn’t hear back from them, it’s wise to do a final follow up before moving on.

This follow up should be sent after 15 working days from your last email.

How To Follow up After a Remote Job Interview?

Here are some free templates and examples for email follow up after a remote job interview.

1)Thank you follow-up email template:

Dear (Interviewer’s name)

Thank you for taking time to interview me (for the job post title) position at (company name) on (Interview date). I appreciate the opportunity to discuss how my experience (relevant experience or skill) can help with (team goal/position).

I’m enthusiastic about joining (the company name) and contributing (specific project/role). Please let me know if you need additional samples or any info that can help you make your decision easily.

Thank you again for considering my application. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Warm regards.

(Your name)

(Your content information).

2) Reminder follow-up:

Dear (Interviewer name).

I hope this email finds you well, I’m following up regarding the (Job post) I was interviewed for on (Interview date). I’m still very passionate about joining (Company name) and contributing to (specific role or project).

Can you please provide an update on the hiring process? I’m happy to share any additional information or samples as needed.

Thank you for your time.

Warm regards.

(Your name).

(Your contact info).

3) Last follow-up:

Dear (Interviewer’s name).

I hope you’re doing well, I’m writing to a follow-up once more regarding the (Job title) I was interviewed at (Interview date).

I remain passionate in joining (Company name) and contributing to (Role or position). If there had been any updates or change in the hiring process, I’d really appreciate any information.

Thank you again for your time, and I’m looking forward to hearing back from you.

Warm regards.

(Your name).

(Your contact information).


In conclusion, following up after your remote job interview is an important step of your interview process, which surprisingly many candidates ignore.

But you can increase your chances by leveraging this skill and stay in your hiring manager’s mind when getting shortlisted for the job.

By leveraging follow-ups and best practices after a remote job interview, you can make a good impression and potentially get hired.

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